Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Seven is doing very well. He is just the best dog. He is such a clown and loves people. We are working on the stairs. He loves to go for walks and rides in the car. He has had a hard time with all this winter weather but will get out in it and play a little. He doesnt really care for the cold. So he is ready for Spring and all the walks with his own people.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi Seven Here

I had to go outside this past weekend in somrthing called snow. It was OK at first. I stood in the snow and watched it come down out of the sky. Then my foster brother Sooner and I ran around in it. We had a greyt time until Saturday
morning. We ran out expecting to play in the snow and what did we find. It was slippery and hard to walk on. I cut my toe on it and after that no one wanted to go outside. So we have been driving Foster Mom Cathy crazy in the house. Now its fun outside because the snow is gone and we can track mud through the house I am going a another HV this weekend and my foster Mom keeps giving me this pep talk, maybe I will get mt forever home this week.